Jennifer Lopez Caught Having Sex

Jennifer Lopez sex

Pop star and old Puerto Rican whore, Jennifer Lopez was caught having sex in the GIF above.

Of course Jennifer Lopez is emasculating the man in this sex GIF by assuming the dominate position on top, and resting her enormous butt cheeks on his chest. Furthermore Jennifer is almost certainly ripping noxious taco farts into this man’s face while he thrusts his tiny penis in and out of her gaping lady cave. You better believe if this was a Muslim man with Jennifer Lopez he’d have her face down and ass up… not for sex, but to lick his sandals clean.

The fact that someone like Jennifer Lopez could be revered as a sex symbol by the infidel masses for decades now, tells you everything you need to know about the decline of Western culture. Us Muslims have never seen what the appeal of a talentless tranny with a fat ass was, but of course we aren’t flaming homoqueers like most kuffar men.

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